A Face-lift!

Post date: Mar 19, 2012 3:53:20 AM

TeeShane.com - a new site!

I know, I know... it's about time! The last time TeeShane.com was updated was back in 2008.

Well, a lot has happened since then - and I'm getting some of that in here now.

The first thing I'm trying though is using Google Sites to see how this all will work. It's much easier to update than loading html files into an editor, revising line after line of code, then uploading or pushing the new files up to my server here at home. Not that it's all that bad, just bad enough that other things in life have made their way in front of doing any of that for almost four years now!

Google Sites is easy - and I really like this template I found... blue, my favorite color.

Now that I've got a lot of the old copied over here (and I added a little too), I'm trying to get my domain to redirect to this Goggle Site.

After that's accomplished, I'll continue adding and updating. I haven't copied my "photo albums" over from the old site yet either.